
Software Used: Clarisse IFX and Photoshop

Software Used: Clarisse IFX and Photoshop

Software Used: Clarisse IFX, Megascans, Maya, and Photoshop

1.5 day challenge
Software used: Maya, Clarisse IFX, Megascans, and Photoshop

Marooned 360 Panorama DMP
Software Used: Clarisse, Zbrush, Photoshop, Megascans, World Creator
Interact with the panorama on Artstation here

Manifest Destiny
Software used: Clarisse IFX, Megascans, Speed Tree, Zbrush, World Creator, and Photoshop

Stay out of the fields after dark during the Harvest Festival
Software used: Clarisse IFX, Maya, Speed Tree, and Photoshop

Software used: Clarisse IFX, Maya, and Photoshop

Morning at the Docks
Fun photobash exercise trying to capture a Blade Runner-esque atmosphere. Used just a tiny bit of 3D to spice things up and to match perspective where the photos couldn't.
Software used: Clarisse IFX, Maya, Substance Painter, and Photoshop
4096 x 1716px

Aztec Temple: Alternate View
I built this environment for the Lightbox Expo, Box of Mystery challenge. I thought it would be a shame to not make a frame from alternate view. Changed the composition from the original submission with a few elements in Photoshop.
Software used: Clarisse IFX, Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, and Photoshop

Software used: Clarisse IFX, Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, and Photoshop

Temple: Lightbox Expo Environment Design final submission (Environment 1)
Took my sweet time on this one. Built a whole modular temple, sculpted and rigged two high detail characters as well. Probably should have spent much less time on it though. In this environment, I wanted to explore the concept of the mysteries behind the Aztecs. Where did they get the knowledge to build such sophisticated cities and massive pyramids? Was there another reason they loved human sacrifice? Regardless of what their secrets were, they would need to hide them somewhere and keep them guarded past their lifetimes. I thought the idea of having temple/tomb guardians like the terracotta army would be a neat visual. I tried to make the box of mystery more a part of the actual environment in this project.
Software used: Clarisse IFX, Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, and Photoshop

Eclipse: Lightbox Expo Environment Design final submission (Environment 2)
Had to get this one done super fast! I wanted to explore a narrative that dealt with some sort of ceremony in response to, or effecting a solar eclipse that centered around a mysterious box. I tried to make it so the box was in an environment, rather than a integral part of it.
Software used: Clarisse IFX, Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, World Creator, and Photoshop

A quick and fun project done over the memorial day weekend. Software used: Clarisse IFX, Houdini, Autodesk Maya, and Photoshop. 4096x 1716px

Campfire Stories
Fourth project in the Eerie Pacific Northwest challenge. Used Clarisse IFX for layout and render. Used Quixel Megascans assets and textures, Mixamo characters, and Speedtree. Followed by some after painting in Photoshop. 1536x 2048px

Pulled Over
“He started growling as soon as we pulled him over…but the growls soon turned into whining.”
Third project in the Eerie Pacific Northwest challenge. Focused on doing most of this in 3D. Used Clarisse IFX for layout and render with some after painting in Photoshop. 2048 x 858px

They've been in the trash again
Another photobashing exercise for the Eerie Pacific Northwest challenge. Done with Photoshop. 2048 x 858px

It Came with the Fog
One day project done in Photoshop. 2048 x 858px

Left Behind
2020, Software Used: Zbrush, Clarisse IFX, and Photoshop, 2048x 1000 pixels.

Rest Stop
One day challenge.
2020, Software Used: Photoshop, 2048x1152 pixels

Distress Signal from Ice Block 004
Week long challenge. Prompt was: Cold
Software used: Clarisse IFX, Zbrush, and Photoshop
2048 x 858px

One day challenge.
2020, Software Used: Maya, Clarisse IFX, and Photoshop, 2048x 1152 pixels.

Tide Pools
2020, Software Used: Zbrush, World Creator, Maya, Clarisse IFX, Substance Painter, and Photoshop, 4096 x 2416 pixels

The Hammer Heads
2020, Software Used: Zbrush, Maya, Vray, Nuke, and Photoshop, 1920 x 1080 pixels

2020, Software Used: Maya, Vray, Nuke, and Photoshop, 1920 x 1080 pixels
Photo scanned models by various artists acquired from Sketchfab.com

Zdzisław Beksiński Valley Recreation - Digital Matte Painting and 3D Render
2019, Software Used: Maya, Vray, Zbrush, Nuke, and Photoshop, 1920 x 1080 pixels

MEGASTRUCTURE 15 - Digital Matte Painting and 3D Render
2019, Software Used: Maya, Vray, Substance Painter, Nuke, and Photoshop, 1920 x 1080 pixels

Who Built the Pyramids on Mars?
2019, Software Used: Maya, Vray, Nuke, and Photoshop, 1920 x 1080 pixels

MEGACITY - Digital Matte Painting
2019, Software Used: Maya, Vray, Substance Painter, Nuke, and Photoshop, 1920 x 1080 pixels

2019, Digital, 7200x7200p

"Sam in Montmartre"
2018, Oil on Dibond, 5 x 7 in

2018, Oil on Dibond, 5 x 7 in

2018, Oil on canvas, 7 x 10 in

"Figure and Material study"
2018, Graphite on Paper, 4.5 x 5.5 in

"Zdzisław Beksiński Study"
2018, Graphite on paper, 4.5 x 5.5 in

"Zdzisław Beksiński Copy"
2018, Graphite on paper, 4.5 x 5.5 in